Personal Training Business Tracking - The Business Chassis
Do the numbers in your Personal Training Business really matter?
Knowing your numbers in a Personal Training Business ISN'T VITAL. I know because I've been a Personal Trainer and I've mentored 50 or more in their Personal Training Businesses and knowing the numbers isn't a make or break factor for them just as it wasn't for me.
So, why should you know your numbers if they only matter a little bit in your Personal Training Business as it is today? Because tomorrow you may want to duplicate, leverage, expand or licence out what you do and then your numbers WILL BE VITAL!
Why the numbers in your Personal Training Business DON'T MATTER!
Let's start with the reasons not to care at all about your numbers:
- You're so good at Personal Training and so attractive / addictive as a person that clients will generally flock to you and conversion is a simple as smiling with your hand out
- You're keen to keep Personal Training for the rest of your life pretty much just as you are today - a one-person fitness wrecking machine
- You're looking to get out of Personal Training and into one of those 'Just Over Broke' things - aka JOBs
- You don't ever want to leverage your business or develop another business using OPT and OPM (other peoples time and other people's money respectively)
Why the numbers in your Personal Training Business DO MATTER!
Okay, so let's look at the reasons to learn about your numbers and the business chassis as a whole:
- One day you want to grow your business and use OPT to run aspects of it - in this case you'll need to keep an eye on the numbers to see whether things are going up the green grassy hill (where wealthy people play golf!) or down the slippery sloppy execution slope (where pigs of businesses wallow)
- One day you want to grow your business and use OPM (bank, family, friends, that pet dog off the lotto advert)- in this case they'll want to know your numbers as much as you will and by crikey you better know your stuff so you can talk the language and tell the story behind any of the numbers quickly and robustly
- One day you want to start a new venture investing your time and money in an area where you believe there is new opprotunity but you are not incredibly familiar with the way opportunities are executed in that area - in this case you'll wnat to know your numbers so you can glean insight into what is working (or not) early enough to do something about it and you'll want to benchmark against existing competitors in that sector. Oh, and usually you'll end up doing number 2 above pretty quickly as either the business goes well and needs OPT and OPM or the business goes horribly and you need more OPM to put it right now that you've spent your money and time learning how to operate effectively.
- Finally, one day you decide to work less and earn more but you're not quite sure what levers to tinker with in your existing business - your numbers in this case hold all the secrets to a better lifestyle with the same or even better earnings.
So there you have it. Not a ram it down your throat "you must know your numbers or die" scenario but if you have any aspirations of not being a dumbbell jockey for your entire life then you might want to do the following:
Watch this video which explains the Personal Training business chassis
Watch this video which explains how you can use the custom designed Personal Training business chassis tool (spreadsheet in this case) to monitor your numbers
H@99y N0m83rs
ps - the spreadsheet in the video is available to members here: Personal Training Business Chassis Analysis Tool